The Build4People project aims to transform an educational institution into a so-called “Green School Demonstration Project”.
Our local partner is Mengly J. Quach Education (MJQ Education), a private school with several campus buildings, 11,500 students and 1,400 teachers and employees in Phnom Penh.
During a roundtable workshop on 27 November 2019, our team met with representatives of MJQ Education to discuss and exchange ideas from various perspectives towards green school development.
Agenda of the Roundtable Workshop at MJQ Education
Among others, we would like to do consulting to make the existing physical infrastructure more energy- and resource efficient and to support the sustainable design of new school campuses.
Further, we would like to provide input in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) (curriculum development and input to project days such as doing mapathons / citizen science approaches, etc.).