On 29 April 2021, the final Validation Workshop on Cambodia’s NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) Roadmap for Sustainable Buildings and Construction 2020-2050 took place. The main aims of this event were to share and present the national baseline survey, to get feedback and further inputs from stakeholders on key priority actions for each activity area and finally, to discuss implementation of the roadmap and institutional arrangements.
Members from several Work Packages (WP) of the Build4People team took part at this event, among them Dr Dirk Schwede (Stuttgart University), leader of WP2 “Sustainable Building”, Rolf Messerschmidt (Eble Messerschmidt Partner), leader of WP3 “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” and Ravi Jayaweera (Hamburg University), research associate of WP6 “Sustainable Urban Transformation”.During the consultation process they actively provided feedback based on their academic and professional experience as well as their expertise gained through the Build4People project.
The intensive discussion resulted in a validation of a first baseline of the NDC Roadmap for Sustainable Buildings and Construction 2020-2050. Furthermore, a preliminary agreement could be reached about the approach and arrangements for the implementation of the NDC roadmap (and its periodic updates) by the stakeholders and the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC). For this, a potential collaboration, which would be based on the Build4People action research on sustainable neighbourhoods and sustainable building, was offered by the Build4People participants. Finally, the event also contributed to networking among key stakeholders and – relevant in our context – to increased visibility of the Build4People project.
Below you will find some screenshots for further illustration.