On 12 November 2024, Bunleng Se, Group Leader of Climate Change and Water Group at the Department of Geography and Land Management of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and Build4People Work Package “Urban Climate” member, was invited to give a presentation on “The Role of Urban Climate Map in Urban Development” to member of technical working groups of the Cambodian Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC) to enhance their knowledge based on evidence-based scientific research.
The topic of his training session was generally about the role of urban climate maps in regard of urban development. In detail, he presented about urban climate analysis, urban climate simulation models, urban climate design strategies, guidelines for urban climate design and finally also about a case study of urban heat islands in Phnom Penh.
The knowledge of the urban climate is important to the process of the urban design and planning as well as the neighbourhood design. The information and knowledge of urban climatology will be taken into consideration for current and future urban planning.
This training was only the first of a series which will get further implemented by Bunleng Se with support from other Build4People team members such as Prof. Dr. Lutz Katzschner and his team from INKEK, the Institute for Climate and Energy Concepts, which is a sub-project partner within the Build4People project.