On 05 December 2024, members of the Build4People team had a fruitful exchange with leading representatives from the developer company Peng Huoth, among them Mr. Ratha Chan, Deputy Corporate Affair Director and Assistant to GCEO of Peng Huoth Group (PHG).
During the meeting, the Build4People representative Dr. Michael Waibel together with Build4People Work Package “Behaviour Change” leader Dr. Anke Blöbaum and the Build4People Work Package “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” leader Rolf Messerschmidt discussed how to follow-up on the joint successful cooperation in the context of the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2023, particularly in regard of the upcoming Build4People Implementation phase from 2025-2027.
At the beginning of the meeting Rolf Messerschmidt provided an update in regard of the development of the Phnom Penh Capital Hall (PPCH) Transformation Toolbox and its components. This was followed by a more general discussion how to further support PHG on its pathway to become more sustainable and to provide a more inclusive and livable urban environment to its residents within their existing compounds, e.g. by strengthening the capacities and empowerment among the staff of PHG through joint cooperation and trainer-the-trainer sessions, and from a city-level perspective how to strengthen the connectivity of the existing Borey Peng Huoth compound to surrounding areas in cooperation with Phnom Penh Capital Hall.
Another major topic discussed was how to test the B4P Citizen Science APP as innovative tool of diagnosis of the urban built environment and of public participation. More specifically, it was proposed to apply the B4P Citizen Science APP within the PH residential compounds to evaluate 1) the urban quality of life of the built environment 2) check on different gender perspectives 3) check on different age perspectives 4) check on potentials to improve accessibility for handicapped people with the overall goal to foster inclusive transformation.
At the end of the meeting we discussed to held the concluding Build4People Presentation Conference, scheduled for May 2024, at the PH Grand Hall offering a representative venue on the compound of Borey Peng Huoth.
All in all, it has been a very fruitful and promising exchange and the whole Build4People team is very much looking forward to further joint collaboration.