On 12 May 2021, a first exchange took place with the project project “Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Regions in ASEAN (SMMR)“. This project funded by the German government is developing four knowledge products in the form of green papers and webinars on the topics of 1) Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, 2) Metropolitan Transport Executives Metropolitan Transport Executives, 3) Intermodal Mobility Hubs Intermodal Mobility Hubs and 4) Smart & Open Data Smart & Open Data. SMMR will soon enter a new phase with opportunities to create synergies with Build4People.
This meeting served to get to know each other and to exchange first ideas how to cooperate in the upcoming years. For example, the expertise of SMMR could be integrated into the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab series which shall be implemented together with Phnom Penh Capital Administration.

From the side of Build4People, Dr Michael Waibel, overall Build4People representative, and Rolf Messerschmidt, CEO of Eble Messerschmidt Partner and leader of Build4People Work Package #3 “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” took part.