On 28 September 2023, Build4People organized a New Khmer Architecture Tour for the BMBF-SURE delegation in Phnom Penh.

The focus of the tour was the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) designed by the most famous representative of the New Khmer architecture style, the architect Vann Molyvann, a former student of Le Corbusier in Paris.

The BMBF-SURE delegation encompassed Dr. Verena Hebbecker, Deputy Head of Division 723 „Global Change, Climate Research“ at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and coordinator of the Funding Priority SURE – Sustainable Development of Urban Regions.

Thereby, she got accompanied by Dr. Heike Bauer from the DLR Project Management Agency who is project management coordinator of the SURE funding priority.

Both were further joined by Prof. Dr. Rainer Nönning, head of the Digital City Science Lab at the HafenCity University of Hamburg, and one of the coordinators of the SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Project.

Furthermore, team members of SURE project PolyUrbanWaters, who apply water-sensitive urban management approaches in the Kratie province of Cambodia, joined the tour.

The tour was done by Norak Silver, a Bachelor student of Urban Planning in his fourth year at Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia which is a research partner of Build4People Work Package “Sustainable Neighbourhoods”.