On 04 October 2023, the German and Cambodian Build4People team members and some students gathered at the Canopy Layer of Raintree Cambodia in Phnom Penh.
The Build4People Status Conference had two key objectives. Firstly, it was about the presentation and discussion of the collective research results of the Build4People Work Packages to the whole team after about the half of the current RD funding phase.

Thereby, it was also reviewed how the Build4People team can jointly organise themselves in a better way, in the future. Secondly, it was about the presentation of an outlook of the activities of the Build4People Work Packages till the end of the funding phase and the presentation of first ideas in regard of implementation.

Apart from individual Work Package presentations, there was extensive room for discussion how to achieve more transdisciplinary integration by collaborative instruments and tangible products. Among other, it was discussed about the lessons learned from the past three Build4People Ecocity Transition Labs held in 2020, 2022, and in 2023.

Based on this there was an intense discussion how to strategically plan the ECTL 2024 scheduled for early March 2024 and to prepare for other activities till the end of the current RD phase expected for mid 2025.

Another important point of discussion was a key integrative product of the Build4People project, the so called PPCH B4P TRANSFORMATION TOOLBOX. Its main aim is to analyze, plan, implement and monitor strategies for healthy, smart and sustainable neighbourhood development for different stakeholders in Cambodia.

It will also comprise of a set strategies and early-stage planning criteria for sustainable neighbourhood, among others, but also get complemented by tangible physical products like the envisaged first Cambodian Handbook for Green Housing and Urban Quality of Life.