On 10 June 2021, the Build4People Strategic Publication Planning Workshop took place. Participants were the German and the Cambodian research team members.
This main objective of this event was to discuss and to develop a smart and coherent joint medium and long-term Build4People publication strategy thereby aiming to increase the overall scientific impact of the Build4People project. Another aim was to synchronize the overall Build4People publication strategy with the qualification aims of the emerging scholars of the Build4People team.

In the course of the workshop the publication strategy of each scientific work package and potential journals with high impact factors got introduced. Among others, there were intense discussions about the scientific recognition of some open access journals, versus more established academic journals with often restricted access from publishers of the Global North.

It was also highlighted that a transparent publication approach should be pursued by all Build4People team members which includes inviting the others to share their ideas and creativity, so no one feels excluded. This procedure was also regarded as essential to reflect the multi- and trans-disciplinary approach of the Build4People project.

In conclusion, it can be said that such a workshop was regarded as a very important tool to achieve a better joint understanding about Build4People’s publication strategy within the whole Build4People team.