The Build4People Team was invited to provide feedback on the Green Building certification scheme developed by the Cambodian National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) during a three-day stakeholder consultation workshop, which took place from 0305 August 2021.

Government agencies, international donors, private sector representatives and research institutes participated at the online event.
Build4People representatives Dr. Sothun Nop (RUPP), Dr. Seak Sophat (RUPP) and Dr. Susanne Bodach were able to provide feedback based on Build4People research and their local expertise. The development of the Green Building Guidelines and Certifications is led by the NCSD and its Green Economy Department. The process involves a Technical Working Group on Green Buildings of which the Build4People consortium is part.

During the event the NCSD-consultant Dr. Martin Schoch presented the draft certification system. It builds primarily on the Korean and German sustainable building certification systems, G-SEED and DGNB. It proposes Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards to buildings that attain a certain level of the CamGCGB Performance Index. The localized performance assessment includes sustainability aspects from the environmental, economical, socio/functional, technical, communication and local site dimensions.

The participants discussed such technical aspects of the certification scheme but also the establishment of an institution, responsible for the implementation and supervision of the certification.

In both fields, discussions are ongoing and Build4People will provide additional feedback during a follow-up feedback loop.