On 24 November 2022, the Build4People Urban Quality of Life Workshop took place at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg.
Build4People Work Package (WP) #1 “Behaviour Change” hosted this event and had invited all WP’s to present and discuss important facets of UQoL from their disciplinary perspective mainly based on the jointly compiled Build4People household survey which had been conducted from April till June 2022.

For Build4People urban quality of life is the common link of our scientific-conceptional, analytical and normative dimension, which we consider to be the general foundation for our people-driven approach. Our team considers the notion of urban quality of life to be a multiple-dimensional concept that brings together physical, psychological, social and ecological aspects and takes into account both subjectively perceived well-being and objective conditions.

Due to illness and other reasons our Build4People team group was pretty small but nevertheless, we have been able to fruitfully discuss empirical results to measure and to conceptualize urban quality of life in Phnom Penh in a very friendly atmosphere.

During the short inputs of each WP there were effective, active discussions between all participants concerning the key topics of each WP regarding UQoL which lead to fruitful exchanges. Furthermore, it was discussed which kind of papers in collaboration between the WPs are essential important to be written and submitted based on the results of the UQoL survey 2022. Consequently, the next collaborative steps of these multi-disciplinary sub-projects were decided.

We are thankful that this workshop could take place this year and that we have been able to fruitfully discuss empirical results to measure and to conceptualize urban quality of life in Phnom Penh.
Thanks for the very active and dedicated engagement to all participants!