During the most recent stay of the Build4People team in Phnom Penh in October 2022, the Build4People consortium leader Dr Michael Waibel together with the Build4People Work Package #4 “Urban Green Infrastructures” leader Prof Dr Jan-Peter Mund had the pleasure to hand over a state-of-the-art Thermal UAV Camera System to their research partner at the Faculty for Land Management and Land Administration (FLMLA) at the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA).

After the workshop scientists from RUA were able to test the new system in collaboration with Build4People UAV experts from the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE). Jointly, they were applying the Thermal UAV Camera system for empirical remote sensing research on the topic of “Urban Quality of Life” and sustainable urban development in Phnom Penh.

The UAV camera system can detect thermal surface emissions and contributes to the understanding and mitigation of the Urban Heat Island in Phnom Penh with empirical surface temperature measurements. Furthermore, the FLMLA team at RUA will integrate this UAV system into various teaching and training courses of the new curricula for sustainable urban and rural planning which will be offered soon at RUA.