On 19 October 2022, the Board of Architects of Cambodia (BAC) of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC), with an approval of H.E Deputy prime Minister, Minister of MLMUPC has organized a virtual training workshop chaired by the BAC secretariat, H.E Chhay Rithisen.
The first session with the topic “Sustainable Urban Transformation and Planning” was led by Dr Makathy Tep, General Director of the Cambodian Institute of Urban Studies (CIUS) and Dean of Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning (FAUP) at Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia.

Thereby, Makathy extensively presented the case study of the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab (ECTL) approach serving as a best practice example how to organize a collaborate planning workshop involving multiple stakeholders with the aim to communicate alternative and evidently more sustainable neigbourhood planning visions. The ETCL involves a charette as very compact and effective design approach and an experts’ workshop trying to enhance qualities by mutual transfer of knowledge in an iterative, interactive and transdisciplinary process. Both Build4People Ecocity Transition Labs, implemented in 2020 and 2022, were based on a case study in the rapidly urbanizing Phnom Penh’s Chbar Ampov district.

This was followed by experience sharing on the making of a participatory land use master planning in Battambang and the Battambang municipality building conservation (the good thing takes time) led by Water Koditek, an urban designer and the well-known author of the Architecture Guidebook Phnom Penh.
In total, more than 200 participants from various government institutions, private sector, national and international practitioners, academia, and students of architecture and urban planning joint the event held from 2:00-6:00 pm.
A very vibrant discussion was held after the presentations of the two speakers, moderated by BAC secretariat. Participants has posted their comments in chart room as well as direct comments to BAC showing high appreciation and relevant of the subject, clarity and high level of confidence of the explanation and messages, engagement between speakers and participants, and the very useful material for their references in work. At the end of the workshop, BAC has drafted and submitted event report to H.E Deputy Prime Minister for his information.