The questions “What defines Urban Green?” was at the heart of the Round Table Workshop at the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) in Phnom Penh on 02 December 2019.
The discussions focused on the research objectives and the rationale of WP4: the concept of urban green and urban free spaces in Phnom Penh and its peri-urban surroundings.
During the workshop principal investigator from RUA, Dr. Hour Sansara, and Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund from Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development (HNEE) and their teams discussed their joint field research. In detail, the research associates of both partners in WP4 Ms. Amelie McKenna (HNEE) and Mr. Kimheng (RUA) presented plans for their joint field work stages in Phnom Penh in 2020.
The workshop was framed by a topical academic talk about ”Urban Green in Phnom Penh” provided by Prof. Mund (HNEE) to RUA 3rd semester undergraduate students.

A joint UAV flight campaign in the afternoon resulted in a new UAV orthophoto of the FLMLA faculty and adjacent RUA facilities and a 3D point cloud of a section of RUA campus.

From right to left: H.E. Dr. Ngo Bunthan, Rector of RUA, Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund, HNEE), Mr. Kimheng, B4P – WP#4 research associate;

Source: B4P 2019 RUA- HNEE field campaign

Source: B4P 2019 RUA- HNEE field campaign

Source: B4P 2019 RUA- HNEE field campaign

Finally, the project research contract and collaboration agreement among UHH as principal investigator and B4P project coordinator representing the German researcher’s consortium and the Work Package 4 research partners RUA and HNEE were presented, discussed and processed for final signatures to both university rectors of RUA and HNEE. University staff of the Faculty of Land Management and Land Administration (FLMLAA) at the Royal University for Agriculture (RUA) in Phnom Penh, Chamkar Doung District will collaborate with the team of Prof. Mund at the faculty of Forest and Environment of Eberswalde.