On 11 September 2023, Ravi Jayaweera, research associate of the Build4People Work Package “Sustainable Urban Transformation” successfully defended his PhD thesis “Urban Sustainability Transitions in the Global South: Navigating (in)stabilities for Transformative Change” at Hamburg University, Germany.

His thesis was supervised by Dr. Michael Waibel and Prof. Dr. Martina Neuburger from the Department of Geography at Hamburg University. Prof. Dr. Harald Rohracher, Linköping University, Sweden, served as panel chair of the PhD committee at SICSS graduate school, School of Integrated Climate System Sciences, at Hamburg University.

The whole Build4People project team would like to express its sincere congratulations to Dr. Ravi Jayaweera for this major milestone of his academic career.

After more than four years as research associate within the Build4People team Ravi has left the project end of August 2023 and we all wish him the very best for this future.