On 07 January 2022, the INKEK-team of Build4People Work Package #5 “Urban Climate” held a fruitful Science Workshop together with its research partners from Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP).
From INKEK, the Institute for Climate and Energy concepts based at Lohfelden / Germany, Prof. Dr. Lutz Katzschner (Scientific Project Management), Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Kupski (Legal and Administrative Management) and Janalisa Hahne, MSc. (INKEK Scientist) took part. The RUPP side was represented by Chhinh Nyda, PhD (Coordinator, Faculty of Development Studies), Se Bunleng (Lecturer and Group Leader, Climate Change and Water Group Department of Geography) and by the external expert, Dr. Daniel Choi (Hydrometeorologist, Group Advisor, RUPP).

The main of this event was to prepare and further develop an urban climatic map of Phnom Penh. Among others, it was discussed how spatial landuse information (classification) in vector files can result into a scientifically proper layer development. Also, it was discussed how to deal with the still missing DEM (Digital Elevation Modell) of Phnom Penh.

Another point discussed was the preparation of a joint dissemination event, a webinar together with the Centre for Khmer Studies scheduled for April 2022. A tentative agenda got introduced with an introduction and overview by Lutz Katzschner, a keynote presentation providing overview on urban climate in Asia by Prof. Chao Ren from Hong Kong University and a presentation of conclusions for Phnom Penh by Dr. Nyda Chhinh from RUPP.
Another topic of the agenda was the discussion about curriculum development in regard of the Geography Master Course at RUPP which shall start from autumn 2022. This new master course offers an excellent opportunity to feed in multi-disciplinary expertise from the Build4People project with lasting impact.
Finally, setting up further climate measurement stations within the administrative borders of Phnom Penh was discussed to further support the development of an urban climate model of Phnom Penh. This is also required to support the development of an urban climate map of the Build4People case study area in Chbar Ambov District.
The WP#5 Science Workshop ended with an outlook of the future joint activities in the upcoming year.