The second very insightful day of the Build4People delegation trip “Urban sustainability best practices in Germany” on 03 June 2024 saw a dense schedule with manifold activities.

We started it with a site visit to Elbphilharmonie building, Hamburg’s iconic concert hall and most prominent landmark of its recent waterfront development.

This was followed by an expert talk with Dr Jörg Rainer Noennig, professor at Hafencity University, and sub-project leader of the SURE Synthesis and Facilitation project.

Among others, he and his team introduced us to various projects of HafenCity University’s Digital City Science Lab.

This was followed by an extensive tour along the HafenCity, Europe’s largest inner-city redevelopment area, which started at Kesselhaus, the exhibition centre of the HafenCity.

As part of this tour led by the very experienced guide Uwe Cartensen we also paid a visit to the site of the future location of the so called WeHouse, an innovative building with abundant ecological features designed by the Build4People project partner EMP, Eble Messerschmidt Partner.

The day concluded with a walk along the waterfront promenade between Baumwall S-Bahn station and Landungsbrücken, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, which mainly serves as flood protection wall.

#Build4People #BMBF_SURE_Regions #SustainableUrbanTransformation #HafenCity #waterfrontdevelopment