On 16 March 2022, the kick-off meeting “Designing MSc and PhD curriculum for regional and urban planning”, hosted by Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), took place at Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh.
The main objective of this meeting was to identify opportunities to increase collaboration in terms of curriculum development between Build4People project and the Faculty of Land Management and Land Administration (FLMLA) of RUA.
Among others, H.E. Sar Sovann, Secretary of State, Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction, and Prof. Ngo Bunthan, Rector of the Royal University of Agriculture provided presentations.
From side of Build4People, Dr. Michael Waibel, the overall Build4People consortium representative, Hamburg University, Dr. Anke Blöbaum, Build4People Work Package “Behaviour Change”, Prof. Dr. Lutz Katzschner, Build4People Work Package “Urban Climate” physically provided inputs to this event. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund, Build4People Work Package “Urban Green Infrastructures”, virtually presented in the course of this exciting event.
The Build4People team highly appreciated the invitation to actively join this workshop which had been carefully prepared by Dr. Hor Sanara, Dean of FLMLA-RUA.