On 21 September 2023, the B4P WP#3 “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” Leader Mr. Messerschmidt and the WP#3 Research Associate Nuria Roig, presented about the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab (ECTL) Methodology at the 5th SPACE International Conference on City Planning and Urban Design. This conference is widely recognized to be an ideal platform for recent advances and research results regarding participatory approaches and citizen engagement in urban planning and decision-making.
The Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab, as a participatory transdisciplinary tool, aims to accompany the horizontal discussion among the different stakeholders that play a role in urban transformation. The objective is to find a common understanding of the current urban challenges, to unlock potentials, to develop a shared vision for the city and to look for delivery mechanisms on how to make it happen under the given local circumstances.

As for now, there has been three editions of the ECTL, the first one during the Definition phase (2019-2021), in cooperation with Phnom Penh City Hall, the second and third during the current Research and Development phase (2021-2025), with one further lab still to be implemented in 2024.

The understanding gained after the ECTL events has been summarised in the set of strategies for sustainable neighbourhood development which will be the base to jointly develop the final integrative product of the project, the so called B4P TOOLBOX.