Publication of the Build4People Awareness Campaign Teaser Clip “Cambodia’s Green Pioneers”

We are very happy to announce the publication of the Build4People Awareness Campaign Teaser Clip “Cambodia’s Green Pioneers” which has been developed together with Impact Hub Phnom Penh at the Royal University of Phnom Penh during a joint workshop led by Build4People Work Packages “Behaviour Change” and “Sustainable Urban Transformation”.

The B4P project has planned two interconnected milestones, the “Build4People Awareness Campaign” and the “Build4People Exhibition” with the title “Cambodia’s Green Pioneers”. Both envisaged activities are considered as important participatory interventions to contribute to a change of mindset of Cambodia’s urban population, to enhance their self-efficacy, and to lead to more urban sustainability based on more environmentally friendly behaviour. The Build4People Exhibition due to publication in November 2024, for example, intends to increase the public visibility of a diverse set of sustainability pioneers (24-30 people) aiming to inspire the urban population to replicate their sustainable lifestyles. As a basis for both interventions serves the process of community based social marketing, a sound scientific approach when it comes to foster sustainable behavior.

The Build4People Awareness Campaign teaser clip 2024 is therefore meant as the kick-off of manifold activities in this context, starting with the process of identifying and subsequently interviewing pioneers of pro-environmental behaviour and sustainable entrepreneurs in Cambodia in the upcoming months.

We would like to sincerely thank all contributors, most of all the young and energetic people who are full of positive energy to make Cambodia a more sustainable place. 🥰


