On 14 October 2021, the WP4 “Urban Green Instrastructures” Science Workshop took place. It was organised by the WP4 team of Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Prof Dr Jan-Peter Mund and Mohiuddin Gulam, with support from their local collaboration partners from the Faculty of Land Management and Land Administration (FLMLA) of the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) located in Phnom Penh, among others, the faculty dean Dr. Sanara Hor and Mr. Eun Sambath.
It got attended by the director of the Cambodian Institute of Urban Studies (CIUS), Dr. Tep Makathy, and by other Build4People team members from WP1 “Behaviour Change”, WP2 “Sustainable Building”, WP5 “Urban Climate”, WP6 “Sustainable Urban Transformation” and WP7 “Coordination, Outreach and Transdisciplinary Integration”.
The main aim of this event was to introduce and to discuss the WP4 research plan, respective milestones and related activities during the Build4People RD phase together with the local research and implementation partners.
Download Agenda of the WP4 “Urban Green” Science Workshop (pdf-file – 691 KB)

Finally, the organizing team would like to express its sincere gratitude to all of the participants who actively engaged into inspiring and fruitful discussions during the whole course of the successful WP4 Science Workshop.