On 05 March 2024, the German government funded SMMR-project (Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Regions in ASEAN) organized a half-day Student Workshop at the Techo Sen Institute of Public Works and Transport which belongs to the Cambodian Ministry of Public Works and Transport in Phnom Penh.

The Build4People project team was happy that several team members got invited to present about our approaches as part of the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2024. Among others, Rolf Messerschmidt, Leader of B4P WP “Sustainable Neighborhoods” provided an overview of our case study site Norea City development and the main challenges related to urban transport, placemaking and sustainable neighbourhood development planning.

Furthermore, there presentations about TOD Planning principles, the origins of TOD from Japan and tactical urbanism to improve road safety.

During the 2nd part of the TOD workshop a SWOT analysis was done in regard of transport, placemaking an urban development.

This was followed by a scenario discussion of working group talking about different scenarios for TOD development in Koh Norea with a focus on integrating urban mobility with urban neighbourhood development.

Finally, the working groups presented their scenarios and introduced about priority measures to increase sustainable mobility in the case of Norea City.

The Build4People project team would like to deeply thank the SMMR project team for inviting us to join and actively participate in this meaningful workshop as well as for the valuable insights in terms of sustainable mobility planning in the context of the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab case study site Norea City.