On 06 June 2024, the 5th day of the Build4People delegation trip “Urban sustainability best practices in Germany”, the main activity was a guided tour to select neighbourhoods in Berlin, all certified by the DGNB German Sustainable Building Council, among them Potsdam Square, Gleisdreieck Park and Neu-Schöneberg (the latter both conversion areas from formerly railway related uses).

The tour was thankfully done by Anika Buchmaier from Buro Happold, Cities Europe, and previously arranged by Thomas Kraubitz, Partner at Buro Happold, Cities Europe. Our Build4People team member from Eble Messerschmidt Partner, Oliver Lambrecht, a certified DGNB auditor, further enriched the tour with his profound expertise.

During the tour we learned that the neighbourhood Neu-Schöneberg was, upon its completion in 2019, the neighborhood certified with the highest score, the German Council for Sustainable Building (DGNB) ever gave. It achieved the DGNB platinum certificate. It scored particularly well from an ecological point of view, as the project has successfully revitalized an inner-city brownfield site. An innovative energy concept was developed with the aim of significantly reducing emissions from energy consumption. In addition, a sustainable mobility concept was implemented. The integration into the Gleisdreieck Park is also groundbreaking. From a socio-cultural and functional perspective, the district offers a high mix of uses including residential, commercial offerings, a daycare center, public open spaces and playgrounds.

The tour was also a great opportunity to collect feedback on Build4People’s visions in regard of upcoming implementation phase from the Chief of Staff of Phnom Penh Capital Hall, H.E. Vannak Seng.

As a result of his valuable feedback, we will firstly aim at so-called minimum requirements of sustainable neighbourhood criteria. Their implementation will get supported by guidelines, trainings and manuals developed by our team. All these are part of the so called Build4People Transformation Toolbox. It is envisaged that DGNB will support this transformative learning system.

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