Six scientific Work Packages (WP) do research within the Build4People project:
- WP#1: Behaviour Change (ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរឥរិយាបថ)
- WP#2: Sustainable Building (អគារដែលមាននិរន្តរភាព)
- WP#3: Sustainable Neighbourhoods (សហគមន៏ដែលមានចីរភាព)
- WP#4: Urban Green (ទីក្រុងបៃតង)
- WP#5: Urban Climate (អាកាសធាតុទីក្រុង)
- WP#6: Sustainable Urban Transformation (ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរទីក្រុងដោយនិរន្តរភាព)
Additionally, WP#7 is responsible for coordination, communication and dissemination (ការសម្របសម្រួល, ការទំនាក់ទំនង និង ការផ្សព្វផ្សាយ)
Each WP shall be guided by a people-centred perspective and shall contribute to our final normative aim, namely to achieve a better urban quality of life.

WP#7 will actively manage the trans-disciplinary integration of the different disciplines. Apart from joint events such as workshops, this will be done through joint empirical surveys, joint consulting activities at our implementation partners, a joint publication strategy as well as through concerted dissemination activities.
Thereby, the cooperation with our key implementation partners, such as the Phnom Penh Capital Administration (PPCA) allow us to jointly apply and test our research findings and provide us with real world insights and development tasks.
A local coordinator based in Phnom Penh ensures smooth communication and a direct link to the local partner institutions.
Our Partner Structures
The partner structure does not only consist of academic institutions such as universities but also of two German SME companies who bring in a private sector perspective and link to the Cambodian business sector. Through the partnership with key stakeholders of the corporate sector such as the European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) an economic replication of project results shall be ensured.
Further dissemination partners of our project are the Center for Khmer Studies (CKS), the META-House Phnom Penh or the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) each serving to reach out to different target groups.
Our project receives additional support from a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) consisting of very experienced consultants, two representatives of the local European Chamber of Commerce and further of a representative of Europe’s largest network of sustainable building, DGNB, and a renowned scholar with a focus on sustainable urban transformation. The members of the SAB will join two conferences in Phnom Penh and take part in the subsequent advisory board meetings to provide us with critical feedback and to guide / consult us towards achieving implementation and lasting impacts.
This is an overview of our partnership structures during Build4People RD phase (04/2021-06/2025):