On 07 April 2021, the Work Package #5 “Urban Climate” led by Prof Dr Lutz Katzschner and Sebastian Kupski (INKEK, Institute for Climate and Energy Strategies) organized a Science Workshop together with its research partners at the Royal University of Phnom Penh.
In general, the Science Workshops of Build4People project serve to introduce the research plan / milestones and related activities of each Work Package during B4P RD phase. Furthermore, the state of the art of theoretical and methodological approaches in the field of research shall be discussed.
In the case of the Work Package #5 “Urban Climate” Science Workshop methods of modeling of urban climate and approaches to develop an urban climate map in the case of Phnom Penh were intensively discussed. Among others, it was discussed where to specifically erect weather stations in the city area of Phnom Penh which shall deliver data to develop an urban climate model.
In addition, the opportunity was used to exchange views about capacity building in the research area of urban climate at RUPP. This was particularly regarded as relevant in terms of curriculum development (e.g. inclusion of components of urban climate as part of master courses at RUPP).
As a result of the Science Workshop, a joint understanding of the WP5 research plan and related activities could be successfully achieved and tasks were distributed in regard of year 1 of B4P RD phase.