Joint research of WP#4+WP#5: To study urban climate and the influence of building design on thermal comfort weather stations are installed in the city as well as in rural places. This is to evaluate the urban heat island effect. The instrumentation was set up from the Royal University Phnom Penh and has sensors for temperatures, humidity and wind. This gives a solid data base for annual as well as hourly data.
For a layer based urban climate calculation different input data were used. In a first step surface and air temperature as well as wind from weather stations are used. Remote sensing data are need for surface structure and radiation balance.
Jointly with WP#4 (Urban Green) a first spatial analysis of the remotely sensed surface temperature in Phnom Penh was carried out in 2020 using the Land surface products of Landsat 8 and Sentinel. Both product measure the temperature of the surface of the Earth in Kelvin (K). Land surface Temperature is an important parameter in many energy balance and hydrologic modeling studies and surface Temperature data is also useful for monitoring urban vegetation and urban heat islands.