On 17 January 2024, Build4People had a really successful meeting with leading representatives of Overseas Cambodian Investment Corporation (OCIC) to prepare for the upcoming Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2024.
This activity is an innovative alliance between the Build4People team and Cambodia probably most famous developer company, with support from Phnom Penh city administration and the key objective to develop an alternative, more sustainable vision of Norea City, a prestigious waterfront development area along Mekong River.

Among others, we discussed about the spatial and content-wise focus as well as about Build4People’s data needs to conduct a successful living lab.

Also thanks to a representative of the project “Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Regions in ASEAN (SMMR), the topic of sustainable mobility got covered.

Among others, a Pop-Up Kiosk was suggested on the site of Norea City, which will enable us to use it for gathering with students, team meetings, observations and small surveys among the users of the public spaces, there.