On 22 September 2022, Ravi Jayaweera, research associate of the Build4People Work Package “Sustainable Urban Transformation” presented a joint paper at the sbe22 Berlin Conference “Built Environment within the Planetary Boundaries”, at Technical University of Berlin.

The paper introduces the Build4People Sustainable Building Arena (SBA), a transition governance approach that adapts Northern transition management approaches to the Cambodian context. It proposes the creation of informal institutions for change agents that are co-creative and safe spaces for change agents.

Members of the Build4People Work Package #2 “Sustainable Building” and of the Build4People Work Package #6 “Sustainable Urban Transformation”, among others Dr Sothun Nop from Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), have jointly contributed to this significant achievement.
This is the bibliographic information on the conference paper:
Jayaweera, R., Nop, S., Karagianni, C., Waibel, M. and Schwede, D. (2022). Sustainable building arenas: Constructing a governance framework for a sustainability transition in Cambodia’s urban built environment. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1078 012084.