On 27 July and 28 July 2021, the Build4People team members Dr Michael Waibel, Hamburg University, and Dr Dirk Schwede, Stuttgart University, got invited to join two modules as plenary discussion speakers of the training programme under the auspice of the Singapore-IEA Regional Training Hub.
On 27 July 2021, the focus of the module was on advanced energy efficient and zero carbon buildings by design.

On 28 July 2021, the focus was on smart, clean and energy efficient building systems and operations.

Both events were attended by about 200 participants each and assembled many relevant stakeholders in the field of low carbon buildings mostly from the Southeast Asian region.
It became clear that promoting low carbon buildings is not only a technological challenge but requires to engage and to empower multiple stakeholder groups. In this context, among others, it is important to develop roadmaps with specific targets accompanied by public awareness campaigns to communicate a joint vision.

It also became clear that accompanying policy packages as well as climate-sensitive and nature-based urban planning solutions are part of more comprehensive approaches needed to promote low carbon buildings.

All in all, both events were inspiring learning experiences and provided great opportunities for presenting about the Build4People project and for connecting to other stakeholders in the field of research.