On 29 June 2021, the WP3 “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” Science Workshop took place. It was attended by representatives from Eble Messerschmidt Partner (EMP), the leader of the Build4People Work Package #3 “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” in collaboration with Andreas von Zadow from von Zadow International, representatives from the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Paññāsāstra of Cambodia (SAUP-PUC), representatives from Phnom Penh Capital Administration, and other Build4People team members. As key speakers attended a leading representative from the German Green Building Council (DGNB), Europe’s largest network to promote sustainable buildings and sustainable neighbourhoods, and the leading representative from the project Sustainable Mobility Metropolitan Regions (SMMR II).
The main aim of this event was to introduce and to discuss the WP3 research plan, respective milestones and related activities during the Build4People RD phase together with the local research and implementation partners, as well as further and potential collaboration with DGNB and SMMR II.

The first keynote presentation was given by Dr. Stephan Anders from the German Green Building Council (DGNB). He introduced the assessment system of DGNB and presented some good practice examples of sustainable neighbourhood development, e.g. the Stuttgart Neckarbogen project as well as other international certification projects where a country adaptation to the DGNB rating system has been carried out.

Another keynote presentation was given by Mr. Joachim Bergerhoff. He introduced the sustainable mobility approach of the SMMR II project which is being implemented in several ASEAN countries. Furthermore he presented idea for future studies and activities to promote sustainable mobility in the Chbar Ampov District of Phnom Penh.

Another presentation was given by the Build4People local coordinator Dr Susanne Bodach who reflected on the impacts of the COVID19 pandemic in the building sector of Phnom Penh and related restrictions and measures that are being taken by the government.
In regard of future WP3 activities Mr. Andreas von Zadow presented his ideas to set-up a stakeholder management structure to prepare for the upcoming Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab series.

During the subsequent discussion, it was made clear that despite there is a lack of legal regulations and standards in the Cambodian building sector, applying criteria still makes sense, even it does not finally lead to a certification. Furthermore, possible strategies to involve other actors such as the private sector were discussed, and finally the mutual continuous collaboration was expressed by all participants.
An extensive documentation of the WP3 “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” Science Workshop will soon be published at the event section of this website.