Build4People team members provide input to University of New South Wales online forum: Housing in rapidly urbanising South East Asian cities, 30 November 2020.
This forum sits within the UNSW – Cambodia Professional Placement Program (virtual). In small cross-cultural teams, architecture students will focus on investigating and proposing approaches to housing with urban poor communities, in the broader context of rapid urbanisation in Cambodian cities. Students are prompted to engage in complexity, moving beyond purely architectural responses to a more systemic understanding of the interconnected social, cultural, environmental, economic, and political contexts. They are encouraged to frame a set of strategic principles and processes in addition to demonstration of these in built form.
Build4People team members Michael Waibel (Build4People overall representative), Anke Blöbaum (Leader Work Package “Behavior Change”), Ravi Jayaweera (Research Associate Work Package “Sustainable Urban Transformation”) introduced about the Build4People project and about their specific research approaches.

The presentation session was followed by a lively discussion on issues of sustainable housing with local and other international experts.
Thanks so much to Eva Lloyd, University of New South Wales Sydney, who made this possible.