On 28 September 2023, team members of the Build4People project met with team members of PolyUrbanWaters project at the office of BORDA e.V. in Phnom Penh. This meeting was part of a delegation visit led by Dr. Verena Hebbecker, Deputy Head of Division 723 „Global Change, Climate Research“ at the…
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Build4People at the SURE Status Seminar, Bangkok, 26-27 September 2023
From 26-27 September 2023, all in all 13 members of the Build4People team joined the SURE Status Seminar in Bangkok. This event was the first opportunity for the Cambodia research partners to get to know all projects of the SURE family and all of its team members. From the side…
Continue ReadingAgenda of Build4People Project Visit, September / October 2023
The Build4People team is happy to announce the agenda with manifold activities of the Build4People project visit in September / October 2023. During the upcoming days, we will provide with you more detailed information on our events with multiple stakeholders in Phnom Penh, among others, the Phnom Penh City Hall…
Continue ReadingPresentation of the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab at the 5th SPACE International Conference on City Planning and Urban Design
On 21 September 2023, the B4P WP#3 “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” Leader Mr. Messerschmidt and the WP#3 Research Associate Nuria Roig, presented about the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab (ECTL) Methodology at the 5th SPACE International Conference on City Planning and Urban Design. This conference is widely recognized to be an ideal platform…
Continue ReadingFirst PhD defense within Build4People project at Hamburg University: “Urban Sustainability Transitions in the Global South: Navigating (in)stabilities for Transformative Change”
On 11 September 2023, Ravi Jayaweera, research associate of the Build4People Work Package “Sustainable Urban Transformation” successfully defended his PhD thesis “Urban Sustainability Transitions in the Global South: Navigating (in)stabilities for Transformative Change” at Hamburg University, Germany. His thesis was supervised by Dr. Michael Waibel and Prof. Dr. Martina Neuburger…
Continue ReadingPublication of online edition of Build4People Exhibition 2023: Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods: Good Practice Examples from Asia
The whole Build4People team is very happy about the publication of the electronic edition of the Build4People Exhibition 2023: Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods – Good Practice Examples from Asia, in English language. The curator of this touring exhibition is Build4PeopleWork Package “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” represented by EMP: Eble Messerschmidt Partner,…
Continue ReadingBuild4People Work Package “Sustainable Urban Transformation” Presentation at the Transformations Community Conference 2023 in Sydney
Based on ongoing empirical research, Ravi Jayaweera, Research Associate of Build4People Work Package “Sustainable Urban Transformation”, Hamburg University, shared findings on the empowerment of change agents and the institutionalisation of transformative partnerships in sustainability transition processes in the Global South in the context of the Transformations Conference 2023 – Transformative…
Continue ReadingPresentation of empirical results of Build4People Work Package “Urban Green Infrastructures” at the International Forum for Geoinformatics 2023, Salzburg, Austria
Gulam Mohiuddin, Build4People WP# 4 Research Associate and Prof. Dr Jan-Peter Mund, Build4People WP# 4 Leader, both from Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Eberswalde, Germany) presented their study findings at International Forum for Geoinformatics 2023 (GI_Salzburg) at the University of Salzburg, Austria (04 – 06 July 2023). GI_Salzburg is a…
Continue ReadingIntroduction about Build4People’s transition management approaches at the Smart Urban Areas Conference, TU Dortmund
On 4 July 2023, the Build4People representative, Dr. Michael Waibel, provided insights into green housing and healthy living – based, among others on the Build4People research project at the Smart Urban Areas Expert Workshop at Technical University of Dortmund. The SMART URBAN AREAS (SUA) project is funded by the German…
Continue ReadingBuild4People Mid-term Reflection – Outlook Discussion Meeting 2023
On 29 June 2023, the German Build4People team members virtually met for their bi-annual mid-term reflection and outlook discussion meeting. A major point of discussion was the past project stay in Cambodia and lessons learnt from this, particularly in regard of the Build4People Ecocity Transition 2023, which, for the first…
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