Project Manager Dr. Michael Waibel discussed the work package (WP) #1 “Behaviour Change” with Prof. Ellen Matthies, Dr. Anke Blöbaum and Research Associate Annalena Becker at a meeting at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. WP#1 focuses on the motives and constraints for pro-environmental everyday behaviour of the population of Phnom Penh. The standardized…
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Bi-lateral exchange in Eberswalde, September 2019
Project Manager Dr. Michael Waibel discussed the work packages 4 “Urban Green” with Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund and research associate Amelie McKenna at a meeting in Eberswalde. Work package 4 focuses researching structures of “urban green and open spaces” and how do green and open spaces affect the urban climate…
Continue ReadingSigning of MoU with Royal University of Phnom Penh, August 2019
Project Manager Dr. Michael Waibel discussed the Build4People project with colleagues from Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) Within Build4Project RUPP cooperates with three Work Packages: WP#1 “Behaviour Change”, WP#5 “Urban Climate” and WP#6 “Sustainable Urban Transformation”. The talk is followed by signing an official Memorandum of Understanding between Build4People…
Continue ReadingSigning of MoU with Cambodian Institute of Urban Studies, August 2019
Project Manager Dr. Michael Waibel discussed the Build4People project with Dr. Tep Makathy, General Director of the Cambodian Institute of Urban Studies (CIUS). CUIS is the main project management partner of the Build4People project in Cambodia. Dr. Tep Makathy also serves as Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban…
Continue ReadingSustainable Buildings for People: Presentation at European Climate Diplomacy Weeks in Phnom Penh, August 2019
On 28 August 2019, the Build4People representative Dr. Michael Waibel gave a presentation with the title “Sustainable Buildings for People: Can Cambodia Learn from the Case of Germany?” at the EU Delegation in Cambodia in the context of the European Climate Diplomacy Weeks, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It was followed by…
Continue ReadingOfficial notification of Build4People funding support, June 2019
On 26 June 2019, the Build4People project consortium members received official notification of funding support from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Official project start is 01 August 2019. Duration of the Definition Phase is 18 months till January 2021. We are all very happy about this…
Continue ReadingUniversity of Hamburg hosts Build4People Proposal Writing Workshop, February 2018
From 27-28 February 2018 the Build4People project consortium met for a Proposal Writing Workshop in Hamburg. In the presence of Tep Kuntheara from our main project management partner, the Cambodian Institute of Urban Studies (CIUS), the Build4People team intensively discussed how to best prepare for the application of the Definition…
Continue ReadingBuild4People at Phnom Penh City Hall, February 2018
Project coordinator Dr. Michael Waibel introduced the Build4people approach to Phnom Penh’s Vice-Governor Dr. Aunny Ieng and his staff. Consequently, our project received official support from Phnom Penh Capital Administration.
Continue ReadingPresentation: WBGU Flagship Report by Build4People team member Prof. Dr. Ellen Matthies, January 2018
On 30 January 2018, Prof. Dr. Ellen Matthies (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany) presented about the WBGU Flagship report “Humanity on the move – A people-oriented approach to the sustainable transformation of cities” at META-HOUSE, Phnom Penh. This was followed by a lively discussion.
Continue ReadingStakeholder Workshop in Phnom Penh, January 2018
To prepare for the Build4People Definition phase, a lively discussion on sustainable buildings and sustainable urbanisation was witnessed during our STAKEHOLDER Workshop at Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia in Phnom Penh.
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