Publication of video clip documenting the Build4People Exhibition Opening “Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods”, 01 March 2023

The Build4People team is very glad about the publication of a video clip documenting the Build4People Exhibition Opening “Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods”, at Bophana Resource Center, Phnom Penh on 01 March 2023. The development of the exhibition panels was coordinated by Build4People Work Package #3 “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” led by…

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Publication of video clip documenting the Pitching Night of the Build4People Sustainable Building Incubator on 28 February 2023

This clip shows the Pitching Night of the Build4People Sustainable Building Incubator (SBI) at Impact Hub Phnom Penh on 28 February 2023. In the course of the pitching night, five teams of young aspiring entrepreneurs presented their exciting business ideas in the field of sustainable building. In the end, the…

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Yellow, green, red or blue – emotional state at the end of an intensive field work phase of the Build4People team  

To start the wrap-up meeting of the Build4People team after an intensive and successful on-site phase in Phnom Penh, all Build4People members positioned themselves in a Mood Meter. The Mood Meter, originally created by the YALE Center for Emotional Intelligence (YCEI;, to developing emotional intelligence over time, has become a…

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Build4People Science Workshop of Work Package #2 Sustainable Building: ‘Sustainable building dimensions & solutions for Phnom Penh and Cambodia pt.2’

On the 07 March 2023, the 4th Science Workshop of WP2 “Sustainable Building” took place at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC). This workshop was a continuation of the 3rd workshop on 29 September 2022 where questions about what is a sustainable building in Cambodia and what are the most important environmental…

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Build4People WP#4 “Urban Green Infrastructures” Science Workshop at Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh

On 06 March 2023, the Build4People WP#4 Science workshop was held at Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), Phnom Penh. Besides staff and students from RUA the workshop was joined by the representatives from Build4People WP#1 “Behaviour Change”, WP#2 “Sustainable Building” and WP#5 “Urban Climate”. Dr Sanara Hor, Vice-Dean of Faculty of…

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Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2023 Presentation Conference at PH Grand Hall

On 03 March 2023, the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2023 Presentation Conference took place at the Grand Hall of Borey Peng Huoth. During this event, the different working groups presented their empirical results after an intensive week of multidisciplinary joint analysis with the aim to develop potential micro-interventions and preliminary…

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Opening of 2nd edition of Build4People poster exhibition “Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods” at Bophana Center

The launching event of the 2nd Build4People poster exhibition “Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods”, this time with best practice examples from Southeast Asia and from China, attracted many people at Bophana Centre in Phnom Penh. The exhibition got curated by Build4People Work Package #3 “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” led by the team…

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Meeting between Build4People and Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia to discuss the new master course “Sustainable Urban Transformation Planning”

On 01 March 2023, leading representatives from the Build4People project and from the Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia met to discuss the final draft of the new innovative master course “Sustainable Urban Transformation Planning”, which shall reflect the people-centred, cross-cutting and integrated urban transformation approach of our multi-disciplinary team.  The curriculum development…

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