This posting to inform you on the recent installation of another automatic weather station at the compound of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Campus I. The data collected from this weather station will contribute to develop urban climate map of Phnom Penh Capital which will support the development of urban planning guidelines for a more sustainable urban development of Phnom Penh. Among others, data from this weather station will be used to analyze urban ventilation corridors in order to avoid urban heat islands, which increasingly cause dangerous heat stress for the vulnerable urban population among cities all over the world.
All weather data including temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction, solar radiation and atmospheric pressure have been automatically uploaded on the weather underground website (e.g., see here: and recorded in the SD card attached in the base station. These parameters have been observed and used to analyze differently based on their indications and characteristics. These data are very important to the urban climate analysis of Build4People Work Package #5 “Urban Climate” led by INKEK, the Institute for Climate and Energy Concepts (PI Prof Dr Lutz Katzschner).
Based on these data the multi-disciplinary Build4People team will develop policy recommendations aiming to promote sustainable urban transformation of Phnom Penh.