How to bridge the gap between knowledge and implementation to achieve transformative change and to make a real difference? This has become a key question of the Build4People consortium leader Dr. Michael Waibel.

That is why Michael was very glad to get invited to held a keynote presentation about “Transformation – Experiences from the Build4People project” at the Symposium of the Smart Urban Areas project led by Prof. Dr. Thinh Nguyen, with support from Tobias Kuester-Campioni, and Dr. Mathias Schaefer at the Technical University of Dortmund on 30 April 2024.

He made clear that from his experience transformation in the field of sustainable neighborhood development in the Global South requires social innovations rather than technological innovations. Such people-led integrated approaches should be process-orientated and involve a broad spectrum of stakeholders within various collaborative and communicate formats, among others.

It was also a great opportunity to listen to inspiring presentations and for networking.
#build4people; #BMBF_SURE_Regions; #SustainableUrbanTransformation