On 19 January 2024, Dr Stephan Anders, Director Network & Consulting at the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), met with Build4People Work Package “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” represented by Rolf Messerschmidt, CEO of, as well as architect and urban designer at Eble Messerschmidt Partner (EMP), Architects and Urban Designers PartGmbB, and with Núria Roig, Research Associate at EMP, to discuss early stage urban neighbourhood planning and sustainability criteria in the case of the Build4People project in Cambodia.
This meeting was specifically in regard of the upcoming Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab in cooperation with Cambodia’s most famous developer company OCIC and the Phnom Penh city administration. This living lab will focus on Norea City, a new prestigious waterfront development along Mekong River and will serve to test and to adapt neighbourhood planning guidelines as well as urban sustainability criteria originally based on DGNB criteria.