Successful Actor Mapping Workshop in preparation of Build4People Sustainable Building Arena

On 27 January 2022, a so called “Actor Mapping Workshop” took place in preparation of the Build4People Sustainable Building Arena. The main aim of this workshop was to identify key stakeholders in the field of sustainable building in Cambodia. It was organised by Ravi Jayaweera (Research Associate, WP#6 “Sustainable Urban Transformation”) and Christina Karagianni (Research Associate, WP#2 “Sustainable Building”). The Transition Team of the Sustainable Building Arena participated and collaborated on a Miro Board.

After a short self-introduction round, the exercise started with the explanation of an actor pie chart with three circles from the centre to the periphery and three segments showing different power types After a short self-introduction round, the mapping was implemented on an actor map that was particularly developed for this workshop (see image). The map builds on the work of Avelino (2017) and distinguishes three power types that are exercised by different actors. This includes reinforcive, transformative, innovative forms of power. 

Participants then named key individuals, discussed their roles and mapped them on the actor diagram. The meeting ended with some practical discussions how to collaborate as a Transition Team. The team will build on the results for the co-design of the Sustainable Building Arena. A first workshop of the Build4People Sustainable Building Arena is planned for 21 March 2022.