The Build4People team is happy to report that we presented about our transformative approaches at the 28th IAPS Conference “Enacting Transdisciplinar Knowledge: People, Places, Movements and Sustainabilities” in Barcelona on 03 July 2024.

The title of our cross-cutting presentation was “Supporting Sustainable Urban Transformation in Cambodia: The Build4People Project” it was jointly presented by Anke Blöbaum, Jan-Peter Mund, Michael Waibel, and it was additional prepared by Rolf Messerschmidt, Oliver Lambrecht, Núria Roig, Ellen Matthies, and Sok Serey among others.

We concluded that a mix of objective and subjective data published in a transparent way to the public are needed to support a transformative urban shift of Phnom Penh. Furthermore, we advocated for integrated approaches involving multiple stakeholders in an iterative dialogue and for engaging societal actors in continual processes of learning and change to foster implementation. Finally, we consider outreach efforts outside the scientific bubble and active communication in society as essential to maximize impacts. Overall, we are convinced that transformation as social innovation has to be carried out by a process-orientated transdisciplinary approach thereby leaving the single disciplinary comfort zone.

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