Publication of the 4rth video clip of the Build4People project

This video clip published via YouTube is a documentation of our successful Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab at Phnom Penh City Hall, Cambodia, from 01-06 March 2020. The Phnom Penh based company Studio4 under the guidance of the Build4People consortium leader, the University of Hamburg, Germany, has produced it. More information…

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Research Workshop discussing the concept and measurement of Urban Quality of Life at RUPP, Phnom Penh

On 10 March 2020, the Build4People Research Workshop on “Urban Quality of Life” took place at the Cambodia-Korea Cooperation Center on the campus of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). The main objective of this workshop was to discuss the Build4People Household Survey which is the most important empirical research…

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