On 15 April 2021, the German consortium members of the Build4People project gathered for the Kick-off Meeting of the four-year Research and Development Phase (RD phase) of the Build4People project. At the beginning of the meeting the local project management assistant Dr Susanne Bodach provided an extensive update of the…
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Hereby, the whole Build4People team would like to convey its sincere wishes for a Happy New Khmer Year to all of our Cambodian colleagues, their families and their beloved ones.
Continue ReadingBuild4People Presentation at NEST Conference 2021
From 08-09 April 2021, the 6th Conference of the Network of Early Career Researchers in Sustainability Transitions 2021 (NEST) took place which brings together young researchers in the field of sustainability transitions. Research associates Ravi Jayaweera (WP6) and Annalena Becker (WP1) presented their ongoing empirical research within the Build4People Project.…
Continue ReadingWP5 “Urban Climate” Science Workshop, 07 April 2021
On 07 April 2021, the Work Package #5 “Urban Climate” led by Prof Dr Lutz Katzschner and Sebastian Kupski (INKEK, Institute for Climate and Energy Strategies) organized a Science Workshop together with its research partners at the Royal University of Phnom Penh. In general, the Science Workshops of Build4People project…
Continue ReadingSuccessful WP5 Science Workshop, 07 April 2021
On 07 April 2021, the Work Package #5 “Urban Climate” led by Prof Dr Lutz Katzschner and Sebastian Kupski (INKEK, Institute for Climate and Energy Strategies) organized a Science Workshop together with partners of Royal University of Phnom Penh. In general, the Science Workshops of Build4People project serve to introduce…
Continue ReadingStart of Build4People Research & Development Phase, 01 April 2021
Today, 01 April 2021, is the official start of the Research and Development phase of our Build4People project. In the past, the whole Build4People team has invested tremendous efforts to reach this stage. Now, we are all very much looking forward to jointly doing fruitful and inspiring research in the…
Continue ReadingFirst joint publication of Build4People team
We are very happy to announce that a first joint publication of the whole Build4People team has been achieved. It has been published as a so called policy brief at the Cambodia Journal of Basic and Applied Research (CJBAR), an open source publication, edited by the research office of the…
Continue Reading1st Science Workshop of B4P Work Package #2 “Sustainable Building” and Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)
On March 25th 2021, the team from ITC, Prof.Virak Han, Chanly Hash, Ly Hav and Dr. Chan Sarin, and the German team members of WP#2 Dr. Dirk Schwede and Christina Karagianni had their first online meeting in order to plan the cooperation during the upcoming RD phase (2021-2025) and to discuss…
Continue ReadingSuccessful first Build4People Curriculum Development Summit Meeting
On 04 March 2021, the first Build4People Curriculum Development Summit Meeting took place, see agenda. The main aim of this event was to identify needs and demands in terms of curriculum development from the side of the Cambodian research partners. It was organized by the Build4People Work Package #7 “Coordination, Communication…
Continue ReadingOfficial notification of funding support of Build4People Research and Development phase (2021-2025)
On 26 February 2021, the Build4People project consortium received official notification of funding support for the Research and Development phase (RD phase) from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The RD phase will run for 48 months, beginning on 01 April 2021. The BMBF has granted 2.95…
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