On 28 September 2021, the Build4People Research Conference took place reaching out to a wide public.
At first, the recent signing of a MoU between Phnom Penh Capital Administration (PPCA) and Build4People got appreciated through welcome addresses of HE, the Vice-Governor of PPCA, Nuon Pharat, of the German Ambassador in the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia, Christian Berger, of the representative of the funding agency, Dr. Heike Bauer and of the Build4People representative, Dr. Michael Waibel.

Afterwards, the envisaged joint activities in the joint PCCA-Build4People cooperation got introduced by Rolf Messerschmidt, CEO of Eble Messerschmidt Partner and Build4People Work Package Leader “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” together with Dr. Tep Makathy, Director of the Cambodian Institute of Urban Studies, which is the main project management partner of Build4People.

In the second part of the conference methodological approaches within the Build4People project got discussed. In the beginning, Dr. Michael Waibel and Dr. Anke Blöbaum explained about the concept of urban quality of life which serves as integrating link of the whole Build4People project.

Then, three parallel breakout sessions took place which focussed on different methodological approaches to implement citizen science approaches, to combine urban climate planning with questions of thermal comfort and last but not least to bring together the spatial dimension of sustainable neighbourhood development with the policy dimension of sustainable urban transformation.

All in all, it was a great event which showed a strong commitment of local stakeholders.
More detailed information on Build4People Research Conference can be found at the event section of Build4People website.