On 19 January 2023, the Build4People team virtually gathered to conduct our bi-annual reflection / outlook meeting. In course of the meeting we went through the whole matrix of milestones of our RD phase proposal and discussed and critically reflected our activities of the year 2023, at first. This also…
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Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2024 preparation meeting with OCIC representatives
On 17 January 2024, Build4People had a really successful meeting with leading representatives of Overseas Cambodian Investment Corporation (OCIC) to prepare for the upcoming Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2024. This activity is an innovative alliance between the Build4People team and Cambodia probably most famous developer company, with support from Phnom…
Continue ReadingMeeting to discuss the Build4People Citizen Science App
On 10 January 2024 the first Build4People meeting in 2024 took place to discuss the Build4People Citizen Science App with Clemens Kauschke, representative NXT YOU GmbH. In the course of the next months the company will develop a mobile app based on specifications mainly elaborated by the Build4People Work Package…
Continue ReadingSeason’s Greetings from the Build4People Project
Dear friends and colleagues, we would like to take the opportunity to kindly thank you for all of the tremendous support we have received during the past year in challenging times. We appreciate this so much on our joint journey to promote more sustainable pathways in the field of sustainable…
Continue ReadingInsightful Build4People Work Package #6 “Sustainable Urban Transformation” Science Workshop prepared as a webinar by Impact Hub Phnom Penh
On 12 December 2023, the German and Cambodian research partners of Build4People WP#6 “Sustainable Urban Transformation” from Hamburg University and from Royal University of Phnom Penh conducted an insightful Science Workshop, prepared as a webinar by Impact Hub Phnom Penh. The focus was on the role of Innovative Urban Businesses…
Continue ReadingBuild4People enters innovative alliance with Overseas Cambodian Investment Corporation (OCIC) to conduct the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2024
The Build4People team is proud to confirm that one of leading property developers of Cambodia, the Overseas Cambodian Investment Corporation (OCIC), has agreed to jointly conduct the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab (ECTL). As a highly innovative alliance between the private sector, local and international academia and Phnom Penh Capital Hall…
Continue ReadingRepresentation of Build4People at a conference about gender-sensitive building in development cooperation at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Berlin
On 22 November 2023, the Build4People got represented during a conference about the topic of “gender-sensitive building in development cooperation” at the seat of the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Berlin. Our presentation with the title “a gender-equitable building in Cambodia: Experiences from the Build4People project”…
Continue ReadingBuild4People Urban Quality of Life Workshop, Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development
From 09-10 November 2023, the annual meeting of the German Build4People team took place at Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development (HNEE), the seat of the BuildPeople Work Package “Urban Green Infrastructures” led by Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund. This year, the main focus was on the further conceptualization of urban quality…
Continue ReadingPaper of Build4People Work Package #4 accepted for Presentation and Publication at the 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing
We are happy to announce that the paper “Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Surface Temperature in Response to Land Use and Land Cover Changes: A Remote Sensing Approach” has been accepted for presentation and publication at the 5th International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing. The paper has been written by Gulam…
Continue ReadingVideo Clip published about the Build4People Status Conference 2023
We are happy to announce the publication of the 3rd video clip documenting the Build4People Status Conference which took place at Raintree Cambodia on 04 October 2023. The Build4People Status Conference had two key objectives. Firstly, it was about the presentation and discussion of the collective research results of the…
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