The Build4People project regards all publications as relevant which disseminate knowledge useful to promote sustainable urban transformation in Cambodia.

Apart from academic publications at scientific journals or at edited volumes this includes poster publications, conference and workshop reports as well as Bachelor or Master theses, among others.

Build4People EcoCity Transition Lab 2024

Documentation of Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2024:

Build4People EcoCity Transition Lab 2023

Documentation of Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2023: Final Presentation (157 slides, pdf-file, 19.4 MB)

Build4People EcoCity Transition Lab 2022

Documentation of Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2022: Final Presentation (200 slides, pdf-file, 27.1 MB)

Build4People EcoCity Transition Lab 2020

Documentation of Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2020: Final Presentation (225 slides, pdf-file, 19.4 MB)

Build4People Exhibition 2023: Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods – Case studies from Southeast and East Asia

Build4People Poster exhibition 2023 in English language @flickr

Build4People Poster exhibition 2024 in Khmer language @flickr

Build4People Exhibition 2020: Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods – Case studies from Europe

Build4People Poster exhibition 2020 in English language @ResearchGate / @flickr / pdf-file (18.6 MB)

Build4People Poster exhibition 2020 in Khmer language @flickr / pdf-file (19,1 MB)

Build4People Exhibition 2019: Research Approaches of the Work Packages

Within this poster exhibition, the first scientific publication of the Build4People project, each Work Package introduces about its research approach and the related theories. The posters also contain QR-codes with links to the first milestone “literature review / bibliography of the most relevant publications in the specific field of research – state of the arts”.

Research Poster exhibition @flickr / pdf-file (7.5 MB)

Build4People RD Phase Milestones WP R1:
Bibliography of the most current and relevant publications

Publication Sponsorship

The Build4People project has sponsored the English and the Khmer language edition of the Architectural Guide Phnom Penh.

The Build4People project has sponsored this publication because it provides various valid information on sustainability aspects of traditional and contemporary architecture in Phnom Penh. The guidebook also contains interviews with pioneering architects of Cambodia, today, thereby raising awareness on issues of green buildings. Consequently, Build4People uses the publication as means of capacity building based on the rich architecture tradition in Cambodia. One of the editors of the guidebook, Walter Koditek, was member of the Build4People Scientific Advisory Board during Definition Phase.


Blöbaum, A., Becker, A., Vanna, O., Serey, S. (2023). Build4People’s Round Table Workshop on „Behaviour Change and Sustainability“- bringing together researchers and practitioners that deal with sustainability topics in Cambodia. News Article. SURE Solutions, Volume 1 (2023). (accepted for publication).

Bodach, S. (2019). Partnership Ready Cambodia: The construction sector. Paper published through the Global Business Network (GBN) Programme of GIZ.

Jayaweera, R. (2022). Nachhaltiger Holzbau in KambodschabmH Bauen mit Holz – Magazin (1) 2022, 50-53.

Jayaweera, R., Becker, A. L., Rohracher, H, Nop. S, Waibel, M. (2023). Urban Transition Interventions in the Global South: Creating empowering environments in disempowering contexts? Energy Research & Social Science (ERSS),

Jayaweera, R., Nop, S., Karagianni, C., Waibel, M. and Schwede, D. (2022). Sustainable building arenas: Constructing a governance framework for a sustainability transition in Cambodia’s urban built environmentIOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1078 012084.

Jayaweera, R., Rohracher, H., Becker, A., Waibel, M., (2023). Houses of cards and concrete: (In)stability configurations and seeds of destabilisation of Phnom Penh’s building regimeGeoforum, 141 (2023) 103744. ISSN 0016-7185,

Jayaweera, R., Waibel, M. (2023). The Build4People’s Sustainable Building Arena – an example for an urban transition lab in the Global South. Activity Report. SURE Solutions, Volume 1 (2023), 76-81.

Karagianni, C., Schwede, D., Han, V. and Taing, K. (2022). Smart technology supporting traditional and bioclimatic building functions in reducing cooling energy demand in CambodiaDigital Insights: Future of Cities. 92-103.

Matthies, E., Blöbaum, & A. Becker (2021). From private sphere behaviours to a focus on all transformation roles. Bulletin of People-Environment Studies (49), 17-22. 

Mohiuddin, G.; Mund, J.-P. (2024). Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Surface Temperature in Response to Land Use and Land Cover Changes: A Remote Sensing ApproachRemote Sens. 2024, 16, 1286.

Mohiuddin G, Mund J-P. (2024). Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Surface Temperature in Response to Land Use and Land Cover Changes: A Remote Sensing ApproachEnvironmental Sciences Proceedings. 2024; 29(1):15.

Mohiuddin, G., Mund, J.-P. & Rahaman, K. J. (2023). Detection of Urban Expansion using the Indices-Based Built-Up Index Derived from Landsat Imagery in Google Earth EngineGI_Forum [online], 11(2), 18-31. DOI: 10.1553/giscience2023_02_s18.

Mohiuddin, G., & Mund, J. P. (2022). Statistical Relation between Vegetation Cover and Land Surface Temperature in Phnom Penh CityInternational Journal of Urban and Civil Engineering, 16(10), 126-133.

Mohiuddin, G. & J.-P. Mund (2021). Application of Land Surface Temperature Analysis in Urban Green Spaces: Case Studies from South AsiaGI_Forum [online] 9(2), 202-214. DOI: 10.1553/giscience2021_02_s202.

Mund, J.-P., Jayaweera, R., Sanara, H. & M. Waibel (2020). Phnom Penh: Urban Development Towards a Green CityURBANET (News and Debates on Municipal and Local Governance, Sustainable Urban Development and Decentralisation), 19 March 2020.

Nguyen, T.T.T., & Waibel, M. (2022). Implementation Guideline: Green walls and green roofs: Urban Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Viet Nam. Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. 92 pages.

Schwede, D. (2020). Road-mapping for a zero-carbon building stock in developed and developing countries, in: J. A. Pulido Arcas, C. Rubio-Bellido, A. Pérez-Fargallo and I. Oropeza-Perez (Eds.) Zero-Energy Buildings – New Approaches and Technologies, 14 p. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.92106.

Se, B., Choi, D. M., Chhinh, N., Hahne, J., Yav, N., Kupski, S., Rang, C., and Katzschner, L. (2024). The Effects of Urban Heat Island in Phnom Penh: A Case Study of Khan Boeung Keng Kang and Khan Pou Senchey. The Cambodia Journal of Basic and Applied Research 6(1) 2024. (accepted for publication).

Waibel, M., Blöbaum, A., Matthies, E., Schwede, D., Messerschmidt, R., Mund, J.P., Katzschner, L., Jayaweera, R., Becker, A., Karagianni, C., McKenna, A., Lambrecht, O., Rivera, M., & Kupski, S. (2020). Enhancing Quality of Life through Sustainable Urban Transformation in Cambodia: Introduction to the Build4People ProjectCambodia Journal of Basic and Applied Research (CJBAR), 2(2), 199–233.

Waibel, M., Nguyen T. T. T., Nguyen, Q. M. & Pham, T. H. H. (eds.) (2023). Handbook for Green Housing and Healthy LivingConstruction Publishing House, Hanoi, 130 pages. ISBN: 978-604-82-7239-5.

B.A. or M.A. Theses

Alt, Philipp (2023). Challenges visually impaired and blind people face in the built environment and how urban planning could better address these impairments – a comparison of Cambodia and Phnom Penh (BSc thesis submitted at Department of Urban Planning, TH Lübeck, supervised by Prof. Dr. Dirk Schwede).

Engler, Felix (2020). Combining Spectral Indices for Urban Green Space Detection Using Sentinel-2 Imagery – a Comparison with Focus on Phnom Penh, Cambodia (M.Sc. thesis, submitted at Eberswalde University of Applied Science (HNEE), supervised by Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund).

Meincke, Stine (2023). Strategien zur kommunalen Klimaanpassung durch Gebäudebegrünung (B.A. thesis at Hamburg University, supervised by Dr. Michael Waibel).

Menghuo, Theang (2023). Sustainable shophouse design which focuses on quality of thermal comfort through field surveying of existing houses in Phnom Penh (BSc thesis submitted at Department of Architectural Engineering, ITC, Phnom Penh).

Radmer, Lena (2021). China auf dem Weg zur geopolitischen Macht? Der politökonomische Einfluss Chinas auf Kambodscha (B.A. thesis submitted at Osnabrück University, co-supervised by Dr. Michael Waibel).

Wolfram, Merle (2019). Indikatoren zur Erfassung städtischer Lebensqualität – Probleme und Herausforderung der Übertragbarkeit auf den asiatischen Kontext (B.A. thesis submitted at Hamburg University, supervised by Dr. Michael Waibel).

Previous Publications

Prior to the Definition Phase of the Build4People Project all involved researchers gained substantial expertise in their field. Below you find a selection of publications from consortium partners.

Baasch, S. & Blöbaum, A. (2017). Umweltbezogene Partizipation als gesellschaftliche und methodische Herausforderung. Umweltpsychologie, 41 (2), 11-33.

Bodach, S. & M. Waibel (2017). New Khmer Architecture: Iconic vernacular buildings under threat? Pacific Geographies, 48 (July/August 2017), 11-13. DOI: 10.23791/481113

Hesse, C., Schwede D. & Waibel, M. (Eds.) (2011) Handbook for Green Housing: Climate-Adapted and Energy-Efficient Building Solutions for Ho Chi Minh City. Edition 1: Town Houses. Hanoi, Vietnam: Transport Publishing House, 68 p. ISBN 978-604-76-0031-1.

Hoffmann, M.; Leśko, L.; Mund, J.-P. (2017) Urban and Peri-Urban Forest Areas in European Cities –A Comparative Remote-Sensing Study. In: GI_Forum 2017, Vol. 1, Pages: 15-26, doi:10.1553/giscience2017_01_s15.

Jaeger-Erben, M. & E. Matthies (2014) Urbanisierung und Nachhaltigkeit – Umweltpsychologische Perspektiven auf Ansatzpunkte, Potentiale und Herausforderungen für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung. Umweltpsychologie, 18 (2), 10-30.

Kastner, I. & Matthies, E. (2014) Motivation and Impact. Implications of a Twofold Perspective on Sustainable Consumption for Intervention Programs and Evaluation Designs. GAIA, 23 (1), 175- 183.

Katzschner, A., Waibel, M., Schwede, D., Katzschner, L., Schmidt, M., Storch, H. (eds.) (2016) Sustainable Ho Chi Minh City: Climate Policies for Emerging Mega Cities. Springer Publishing House.

Katzschner, L. and Burghardt, R. (2015) Urban Climatic Map studies in Vietnam. In: Ed. Ng E., RenCh. (eds) The Urban Climatic Maps for Sustainable Urban Planning, earthscan Routlege, London, 79-84.

Makathy, T. (2016) An overview of spatial policy in Cambodia. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Japan (MLIT), pp. 2–3.

Messerschmidt, R. (2005a) ECOCITY – Objectives, Concepts for ECOCITY Model Settlements, in: Ecocity Book 1 – A Better Place to live, Gaffron, P., Huismans, G., Skala, F. (Edit.) Hamburg/Utrecht/Wien.

Messerschmidt, R. (2005b) ECOCITY – A European Approach to Community Planning and Sustainability. Abstract for International Forum On Community Planning, Taipei.

Messerschmidt, R., von Zadow, A. (2013) Prozesse und Beteiligung – Herausforderungen und Handlungsfelder, in: Nachhaltige Stadtplanung – Konzepte für nachhaltige Quartier, Bott, H., Grassl, G., Anders, S. (Hrsg.), Detail Verlag München.

Messerschmidt, R., von Zadow, A. (2019). Processes and participation, in H. Bott, G. C. Grassl, S. Anders (Eds.) Sustainable urban planning. Vibrant neighbourhoods, smart cities, resilience. [Munich]: Edition Detail, pp. 51–59.

Ren, C., Ng, E., & Katzschner, L. (2011) Urban climatic map studies: a review, International Journal of Climatology, 31 (15): 2213-2233. DOI: 10.1002/joc.2237.

Schwede, D., Waibel, M., Hesse, C. & N. T. Nhien (2016). Promoting climate adapted housing and energy efficient buildings in Vietnam: chances and challenges. In: Katzschner, A. et al. (eds.) Sustainable Ho Chi Minh City: Climate Policies for Emerging Mega Cities. Springer Publishing House, 239-258.

Steinhorst, J., & Matthies, E. (2016) Monetary or environmental appeals for saving electricity? Potentials for spillover on low carbon policy acceptability. Energy Policy, 93, 335-344. 

Waibel, M. (ed.) (2017a). Phnom Penh: Capital City. Book series PAZIFIK FORUM of the Association of Pacific Studies; Volume 19, APSA Publishing House, Phnom Penh / Cambodia, 208 pages.

Waibel, M. (2017b). Cambodia: Buildings for People? Pacific Geographies, 48 (July/August 2017), 14-19. DOI: 10.23791/481419

Waibel, M. (ed.) (2016) TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City. 3rd updated edition. Book series PAZIFIK FORUM of the Association of Pacific Studies; Volume 18, Hồng Đức Publishing House, Hanoi / Vietnam, 208 pages.

Waibel, M. (2016). Vietnams Metropolen: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung. Geographische Rundschau, 68 (2), 4-9.

Waibel, M. (2014). Trying rather to convince than to force people: The approach of the Handbook for Green Housing. In: Mahrin, B. (ed.) Capacity Development – Approaches for Future Megacities. Series Future Megacities, Vol. 03, Jovis, Berlin, 143-152.

Waibel, M. (ed.) (2013). Handbook for Green Products. High-Quality Company Solutions towards Climate-Adapted Housing and Energy-Efficient Buildings in Vietnam. Edition 2: Technical Constructive Green Housing Products and Green Services. Hanoi, Vietnam: Transport Publishing House, 68 p. ISBN 978-604-76-0054-0.

Waibel, M. (ed.) (2012). Green Housing in Vietnam between Tradition & Modernity. Proceedings of a Conference organized at Goethe Institute Hanoi, 16-17 October 2012, Hanoi/Vietnam, 272 p.

Waibel, M. (2009). New Consumers as Key Target Groups for Sustainability before the Background of Climate Change in Emerging Economies: The Case of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. In: World Bank (Ed.) (2009) Proceedings of the 5th Urban Research Symposium of the Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda, 28-30 June 2009, Marseille, France. 14 p.

Waibel, M. & Schwede, D. (2009). Energieeffizientes Wohnen, aber wie? Die Rolle von Mittelklassen für mehr Nachhaltigkeit in Ho Chi Minh City vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels. Südostasien, 25 (2), 18-21.

Waibel, M. (2008). Vietnam: Der „erworbene“ Status – „Neue Konsumenten“ als globale Schlüsselgruppe für wirtschaftliche und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit? Südostasien, 24 (2), 11-14.